Staff » Tech FAQ

Tech FAQ

Tech FAQ
Q: How do I contact Prosser Tech Support?
Send your request to the following email address: [email protected]. No password is required. Please include the location where support is needed.


Q: How do I reserve tech/tech facility (a room, laptop/chromebook cart, et cetera)?


Please click here.


Q: How do I get a key for a cart?


When you reserve a cart, the Tech Department will provide you with a key the morning of the day the cart is to be utilized. Staff members are required to return the key to the Tech Office immediately at the end of the time the technology has been reserved. Before returning the keys, staff should make sure the cart is locked, plugged in and charging. This will enable us to make the key and the cart available for the next user.


Q: How do I connect to the CPS wireless from my personal device?


Select CPS from your available networks, then enter the following credentials:


Username: instr\CPS USERNAME

Password: CPS Password


Q: How do I access CPS applications?