LSC Organization » Election Information

Election Information

The new Local School Council term begins on July 1st of every even-numbered year, and elections are held every even-numbered year. The election for the current LSC was held April 10, 2024 for students and April 11, 2024, for all other candidates. The summary of results for student representatives, teacher and non-teaching staff representatives and parents and community representatives are posted below. Thank you to everyone who is willing to serve the Prosser community in this way!
Summary of Results for Parent & Community Representatives
Summary of Results for Student Representatives
Summary of Results for Teacher & Non-Teacher Staff Representatives
Mid-term vacancies for parent and community member positions are filled by majority vote of the serving members. 
Parent voice is vitally important, and Prosser currently has open seats for parent representatives on our Local School Council. Please consider serving the school community in this way! If you are interested, contact Principal Sandra Shimon at 773-534-3222 or [email protected] for more information and/or check out the Office of Local School Council Relations page and find application forms here