English Language Arts » English Language Arts

English Language Arts


The English Language Arts Department is the largest at Prosser because all students take four years in order to graduate.

The English Department teaches classes that share a focus on five strands described by the National Common Core State Standards: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Language Development. Some of our English classes also provide instruction in visual literacy by using a wider definition of text and approaching reading as making sense of what one sees. For example, students may learn to determine the theme of a painting or consider the narrative arc of a film. In English classes at Prosser, it is possible to read texts as different from one another as Romeo & Juliet and The Hate U Give, because we are committed to both helping students explore themselves in texts they find relatable and exposing students to texts they would not encounter otherwise.

The Prosser English Department Office is located on third floor between Room 301 and Room 303.