Continuous Improvement Work Plan » CIWP Priorities, Goals & Strategies

CIWP Priorities, Goals & Strategies

The Continuous Improvement Work Plan is the strategy that guides growth and progress in each school. The plan is developed by a team of representatives from different factions of the school community and is fluid: the team meets periodically to monitor progress and determine whether the plan needs revision. Typically, a CIWP cycle lasts for two years. Due to the instructional impact of COVID on schools, the timeline for the current CIWP is being reviewed and may be extended by an additional year.
At Prosser, our CIWP is driven by the following:
  • CIWP Priorities
    • Instructional Equity 
    • Interventions & Support
    • Equitable Approaches to Discipline
  • CIWP Goals -- Alignment and equity so that all students have access to everything they need to feel a deep sense of belonging and experience growth and success and make choices about how they live their lives.
  • CIWP Strategies
    • Honor students’ lived experiences and stories
    • Build relationships on a foundation of respect and empathy
    • Identify and address equity issues
    • Alignment in planning, assessment and grading practices