Hydrogen Car Race (Day 2)

Hydrogen Car Race (Day 2)
4/29/2023, 9:00 AM 2:00 PM
north gym

Good Afternoon Nicola,

Prosser is set to host both races, one on 3/30 4-6pm and one April 29th, time TBD as we may have someone in our gym spaces from 8 to 5pm. We do have a cafeteria we can clear for space. We are also awaiting the schedule of those using the gym and we may be able to adjust some activities with them. We should have a more concrete plan for 4/29 in the next couple of weeks. Regardless, we are a go to host this year and the school year 2023-24. 

The donated car kit will go to Mr. Tom French, our Solar instructor. Tom will be present on 3/30 but on 4/29 he will be traveling for professional development. In his place will possibly be Mr. Luis Navarro, our Auto Tech instructor or myself. 

For visitors to our school we would need the following for both days:

  • Instructor name and contact
  • School Name and contact
  • Student roster with school ID#s 
  • Anyone in our building will need to be CPS cleared as volunteers, the process can be found here https://chicagopublicschools.civicore.com/index.php?action=english (this would mean you and Ian would need to be level 1 volunteers by 3/30 to work with CPS students if you are not already

What else do you need from me at this time? +Tom French the car kit should be at Prosser by next week to get started with your team of 5 students. Nicola and Ian will be here on race day to help set up and teach nuances of the track etc. Ian can assist with the car build and any questions along the way, he is your tech liaison. 

Let me know what is needed and how I can help. 

Talk soon,

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